Shouldn't there be a webapp here?

There is meant to be a web interface here for this instance, so you can use it in your browser, or just look around at the instance before deciding to join.
But then it caused yet another security issue that could lead to people having their accounts stolen so I decided to get rid of it.
You're welcome to try to convince me to reenable it, since it's not my account at risk - I don't use it. But I don't know why you'd do that to yourself.

I am sorry about not supplying a preview; I think it's dishonest to make you register before checking it out. But the amount of effort to make it possible without reenabling the insecure portions of it is substantially high. If you're sufficiently determined, you can inspect this page, but be warned it will look even uglier than this one.

What clients do you recommend?

What if I don't want to use social media?

I promise that whatever you hate about it probably doesn't apply here. Federation is very cool and has a lot of cool consequences.
But also you can check out all the other stuff I run. You can use any or all of it. Maybe one day I'll actually unify the account system.


No blasphemous intent, I just like harpies, so I registered that domain, and I like to keep a theme going with subdomains.